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Here’s where to find ideas to decorate vacation rental interiors

Making the interiors of properties you’re renting out inviting is one thing, but making them stand the test of time and still look good is another.

In the vacation rental market, interior design is everything. It can affect the prices you charge to renters, the frequency of property checks you do and the frequency with which you have to replace fittings or furniture.

Then there are the overall impressions of your vacation rental in the eyes of prospective renters. When you add everything up, maybe a complete remodelling is needed to keep up with renter expectations?

Making dreams achievable with clever interior design

Before you start thinking though about the massive costs involved in a full refurbishment, stand back a little and look at what you’re trying to achieve.

What is your end goal?

This is a blog post for those seeking to decorate your rental property without physically updating it. We’ll be looking at ways to transform your property without resorting to complete architectural remodelling.

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From the Bonne Terre Instagram

Keep your target guests in mind

Who is your ideal renter? Families, professionals, holidaymakers? Define your style, and interior decorate accordingly: something bright and cheerful that might appeal to holidaymakers might not have the same impact on professionals looking for a quiet getaway.

‘Durability’ is key in vacation rental interior decor

‘Durability’ can be an ugly word. To many people, it conjures up images of blandly functional pieces of furniture with nothing remarkable about them.

We’d advise you here to skip the cheapest choice of furniture or materials. That way it’s easier to go for something a little more stylish.

Try checking out second-hand shops for beautiful statement pieces that won’t break the bank. Simplicity is another word that gets a bad rap, mostly because it’s been so over-used.

Minimalist interior design doesn’t have to be severe, and ‘simple’ doesn’t need to mean boring. Check out the interiors we found on Instagram from Danielle Mila:

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From Danielle Mila's Instagram

Work with what you don’t have

If you don’t like what you have to work with, cover it up! Armories, pictures, drapery, rugs: all of these things are your new friends.

It’s easy to hide ugly or outdated flooring with area rugs, for example.

Don’t forget to cover up any flaws with pictures too! Dutch Decor Style hits all the right notes with this interior: not only is it covering up possibly undesirable elements, it’s got heaps of character and charm on offer.

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From Dutch Decor's Instagram

Colour pops never go out of (interior) style

You don’t have to go as ‘all out’ as our previous example if you don’t want to. Even a little bit of colour here and there goes a long way towards enlivening your vacation rental’s interior design.

Whether it’s through using a unified accent colour scheme, or judicious attention paid to your soft furnishings, a bit of colour can really freshen things up.

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From the Zilverblauw Instagram

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From Marlous' Instagram

If you need some colour inspiration, look to your pictures, statement pieces and textiles for a way to feed it into your interiors.

Apply the finishing touches to your interior design creation by really focusing on those soft furnishings and wall hangings.

Using cushions is the easiest way to add a bold splash of colour to your vacation rental space.

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From our own Instagram

Focus on bedroom decor and storage solutions

Bedrooms are often neglected when people decorate their vacation rentals.

So we’re begging you: if you take one thing away from this article, please let it be to focus on your bedroom styling!

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From the Instagram of Igor Josif

FibreGuard fabrics Samurai

From the Tiny Partments Instagram

Some tips to make a bedroom’s interior stand out include

  • providing crisp bed linen
  • going for some unusual furniture choices
  • adding some really memorable storage features and opening your mind to innovative storage ideas

That’s right, we really did just say ‘storage ideas’.

Storage is key in a vacation rental property

There’s nothing worse than going on holidays and being surrounded by all the souvenirs you’re buying and piles of the things you’ve brought with you.

Storage is especially important to pay attention to when decorating a small space.

Storage solutions can be found if you look to the nooks and crannies of your interiors and really use them to your advantage.

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From the edit_ldn Instagram

It’s easy to forget the finishing touches, from accent colours to soft furnishings, but we promise you that if you go there it will make all the difference to your interiors.

Here are our three golden rules for updating the interiors of your vacation rental:

  1. High-quality pieces don’t have to break the bank, and durability doesn’t mean boring
  2. Cover up any flaws with colourful pieces such as rugs, hanging wall textiles and pictures
  3. Focus on the bedrooms, as they’re often neglected and will leave your guests with that ‘wow’ feeling that could result in a great review for your property!

Head on over to our Pinterest for more ideas to decorate your vacation rental property.

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