Choose fabrics that match the quality of your products – and your price point

We understand that your manufactured items have been considered, rigorously tested, and crafted with your customer in mind.

Our fabrics have too.

From project inception, we understand the importance of keeping our high standards, and in fulfilling our promise.

For the manufacturers of the world, we provide...

  • Fabrics that are painstakingly, mechanically tested and accredited
  • A cutting edge, fully-automated operations system
  • Comprehensive marketing support, including ready-to-use photography of room settings, close-ups, flat shots and lifestyle images all available free of charge and accessible through our online portal at any hour of the day

But to be honest, that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

From product inception, we understand the importance of quality and fulfilling our promise. This, together with the Bru Full Solution, makes partnering with FibreGuard, brilliantly simple.